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Global Adventist Internet Network: Connect - Collaborate - Change

Global Adventist Internet Network: Connect - Collaborate - Change

Silver Spring, USA [ANN, CD EUDNews]. January 26, 2015. Seventh-day Adventists participating in this year’s Global Adventist Internet Network will meet in a new location—online.

January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Bern, Switzerland [EUD Public Relations Department, CD EUDNews]. January 27, 2015. On 27 January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, was liberated by Soviet troops.

Jamaica: Enormous impact of Religious Freedom

Jamaica: Enormous impact of Religious Freedom

Kingston, Jamaica [Rhoma Tomlinson, CD EUDNews]. January 28, 2015. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has opened a Jamaican chapter of its International Religious Liberty Association, which defends the rights of all faiths, at a festival attended by seni

ADRA and the Roma community in Albania

ADRA and the Roma community in Albania

Tirana, Albania [Sanjay Thomas, ADRA staff, CD EUDNews]. January 28, 2015. ADRA was lucky to have Sanjay Thomas join our crew and act as our "A Closer Walk" host in the field, experiencing the reality of humanitarian aid work. He shared the following

General Conference Session 2015: Electronic Voting

General Conference Session 2015: Electronic Voting

Silver Spring, USA [Ansel Oliver, ANN, CD EUDNews]. February 2, 2015. Delegates to the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s General Conference Session in July won’t hold up yellow cards to vote as they have in past Sessions. Instead, for the first time, Sess

An Adventist perspective on the World Economic Forum

An Adventist perspective on the World Economic Forum

Bern, Switzerland [R. Battista, A. Mazza, CD EUDNews]. February 2, 2015. From January 21 to 24, 300 heads of state, politicians and public figures - from John Kerry to Angela Merkel - along with 1,500 business leaders - from Bill Gates to Sheryl Sandb

EUD Health Campaign 2015

EUD Health Campaign 2015

Bern, Switzerland [V. Dufour, CD EUDNews]. February 2, 2015. God is interested in our health and well-being. This is made clear from the very first chapters of the Bible. The biblical prescription for our happiness, as found in Genesis, points to a rel

The Creation Movie: A European Masterpiece

The Creation Movie: A European Masterpiece

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. February 5, 2015. Creation is the basis for life on the earth. The breath, growth and survival of this life is not to be taken for granted. Planet Earth and all life on it are so unique and complex, that questions regard

International Day of zero tolerance for female genital mutilation

International Day of zero tolerance for female genital mutilation

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews, UN, BfG]. February 6, 2015. Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve altering or injuring the female genitalia for non-medical reasons - , and is recognized internationally as a violation of t

Surrounded by silence

Surrounded by silence

Madrid, Spain [Taida Herrera, CD EUDNews]. February 9, 2015. "Every night as I fall asleep, my breathing penetrates my entire body, I feel my heart pumping blood throughout my being and every night I go to sleep surrounded by silence, this occurs every

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