The Creation Movie: A European Masterpiece

The Creation Movie: A European Masterpiece

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. February 5, 2015. Creation is the basis for life on the earth. The breath, growth and survival of this life is not to be taken for granted. Planet Earth and all life on it are so unique and complex, that questions regard


Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. February 5, 2015.

Creation is the basis for life on the earth. The breath, growth and survival of this life is not to be taken for granted. Planet Earth and all life on it are so unique and complex, that questions regarding their source and designer must inevitably be asked.

Questions that everyone asks at one time or another are: Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where will the future lead us? Is there a future?

As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe in God, the creator, and His six–day creation—that the earth was created in six literal days. This understanding is the basis for many Biblical teachings and the identity of Seventh-day Adventists. The First Angel’s Message is a call to worship the Creator and points to the Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ.

This project was launched because the Biblical understanding of Creation is such a fundamental truth and a focal point for the world church in the coming years. The goal is to raise awareness of God and His six–day creation in the minds of the people, and motivate them to acknowledge His plan of Creation and to worship Him as the Creator.

Adventist scientists, filmmakers, artists and theologians worked together over several years to assemble this unique initiative.

The film was initially a project Stober was preparing for his local congregation in Nürnberg, Germany. He studied photography for a year in Canada, and then traveled to five continents because he wanted to present God’s love and unique creative power.

Here his words, on how the project began:

“I went to a trip in Australia. I had totally different plans. When i got there, i heard about a scientist speaking on creation & evolution. I went there and during those presentations, i got touched. What i heard touched my heart. I heard a voice that talked to me, saying: 'Why don’t you do something to honor me?' And then the idea came to make a Creation project!

I was working in a graphics business, did a lot of designs and graphics for numerous companies in Germany. I made good money. When I started the trip a left everything behind, for about half a year. I had plans to stay in Australia, because i loved that country so much.

So what i did then is traveling around. I thought to come back and to continue working, to make big money and to live a normal life in Germany.

My head couldn’t stop working. I thought first, why don’t you realize this project for your own local church? But then, all of a sudden i realized, ‘the idea become bigger and greater. I thought, maybe we can make it throughout southern Germany, or probably, even beyond that. I had never thought it could become worldwide!

I went in about five continents, more than 70 countries. I captured the material for the project all around the world. Sometimes i waited weeks to get the right shot."

The 27-minute, professionally produced film “Creation: The Earth Is a Witness,” is since 2013 one of the denomination’s key evangelism efforts.

“This incredible project is a blessing to every single church around the world that is able to show it,” President Ted N. C. Wilson told. He added: “This, I believe, is going to be a magnificent tool to bring thousands of people to the foot of the cross.”

More than 70,000 people have viewed the film in nine countries (Austria, Spain, South America etc.). Thousands of people stepped into the Adventist Church and many got even baptized so far.

It was a huge challenge to make a movie about creation in our modern world, where nature has been so seriously degenerated. Nonetheless, the movie was made as accurately as possible in accordance with the Biblical account and with the assistance of the Geoscience Research Institute.

The script for all spoken texts was taken exclusively from the Holy Bible.

Photographer and filmmaker Henry Stober traveled through five continents over a period of five years to gather the materials for this project. “Creation – the Movie“ was filmed in High Definition and is complemented by the musical score, recorded in Dolby Digital surround sound. These components combine to give the listener the impression he is right in the midst of Creation, experiencing it live.

Composed especially for the movie by young Adventist composer Dominik Buchner, the musical score really gets under your skin. Under the direction of Williams Costa, conductor and director of Seventh-day Adventist World Church Communication department, the music has been adapted for orchestra by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

The climax of this 25–minute movie and the Biblical creation story is the Sabbath. God’s desire for fellowship with His creation has always touched people’s hearts and continues to move and challenge them to make decisions.

In numerous cities a follow-up program was designed before the main event. Various speakers were invited, auditoriums booked or the church facilities were used. Because the event "Creation - the Movie" was always held in official public auditoriums in central Europe, it was especially challenging to get the people to come to the follow-up program when it was held at the church. But with prayer, this hurdle was overcome.

May the Lord continue to bless this wonderful project! May the Lord touch the hearts of many, many other people around the world.

To watch the movie, please connect here.

Pictures: 1. Henry Stoeber, the Creation-Filmmaker. 2, 3, 4: Pictures of the Movie.