January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Bern, Switzerland [EUD Public Relations Department, CD EUDNews]. January 27, 2015. On 27 January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, was liberated by Soviet troops.

EUD Public Relations Department, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [EUD Public Relations Department, CD EUDNews]. January 27, 2015.

On 27 January 1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, was liberated by Soviet troops.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day, is an international memorial day on 27 January commemorating the victims of the Holocaust. It commemorates the genocide that resulted in the death of an estimated 6 million Jews, 1 million Gypsies, 250,000 mentally and physically disabled people, and 9,000 homosexual men by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

It was designated by the United Nations General Assembly resolution 60/7 on 1 November 2005 during the 42nd plenary session. The resolution came after a special session was held earlier that year on 24 January 2005 during which the United Nations General Assembly marked the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps and the end of the Holocaust.

Resolution 60/7 establishing 27 January as International Holocaust Remembrance Day urges every member nation of the U.N. to honor the memory of Holocaust victims, and encourages the development of educational programs about Holocaust history to help prevent future acts of genocide.

It rejects any denial of the Holocaust as an event and condemns all manifestations of religious intolerance, incitement, harassment or violence against persons or communities based on ethnic origin or religious belief. It also calls for actively preserving the Holocaust sites that served as Nazi death camps, concentration camps, forced labor camps and prisons, as well as for establishing a U.N. programme of outreach and mobilization of society for Holocaust remembrance and education.

Bruno Vertallier, President of the Inter-European Division of Seventh-Day Adventists, declared: " The Holocaust is part of our memory. It must not be forgotten. The evil spirit which drove to the Holocaust is still rampant today and we must not risk that such an episode will be repeated. Be vigilant and respect all people and their differences so that it will never happen again. We hope…”

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