Young Creatives Invited to GAiN Europe 2024

Young Creatives Invited to GAiN Europe 2024

Young people demonstrate how they use social media to share their faith in Jesus.

Paulo Macedo, EUDNews

GAiN Europe is a conference on Communication and Media that since 2016 has brought together professionals, experts and stakeholders to discuss, share and learn about the best ways to convey the Christian message through new communication technologies. Organised by the Inter-European and Trans-European Divisions and Hope Media Europe, GAiN brings together Adventist communicators from a wide range of areas, with talks and workshops on digital evangelism, technology, text and image editing, among others.

To find out more or register for GAiN Europe:

In 2023, GAiN Europe took a leap in ambition in terms of breadth and depth. In addition to inviting Adventist communicators from the Euro-Asia Division and Ukraine, it also integrated content prepared and aimed at specialists in the field of Adventist Mission and Personal Ministries. This was an important step towards recognising the need for the Church's various ministries to work together in mission.

Find out more about GAiN Europe 2023 here:

New paths, new opportunities

This year, GAiN Europe returns to Budva, Montenegro. In addition to all the previous objectives and the invitation to the Publishing Ministries, the GAiN Europe community has issued a special challenge to Young Creatives from these territories to join these professional communicators and show how they voluntarily and generously shared they faith on social media. To this end, GAiN has the support of Adventist Youth leaders, both in terms of promotion and content for the conference.

Following the launch of the competition, the Inter-European Division invited Eric Took, 20, from Spain, Eliza Ghiuzan, 24, from Italy, and Viktoriia Levina, 23, from Ukraine, to take part in this edition. Eric applied his genius to inventing and creating an online game about biblical characters; Eliza has a Bible study ministry through contacts made by TikTok; Viktoriia launched a project to record and broadcast Christian stories for children, and uses them to bring light in the midst of war.

We look forward to meeting them and letting them know at GAiN Europe 2024.