Women in Ministry are Called, Chosen, and Faithful

EUD Women in Ministry Conference, Florence, Italy

Tsvetelina Tsvetanova, EUDNews


I knew I was called to ministry but was I really chosen, or had I made the choice myself? Am I being faithful, and will I be faithful enough to the end? These questions crossed my mind during the first couple of days during the EUD Conference “Women in Ministry”, held in the authentic historical artisan city of Florence. Other questions popped up as well - some were answered, others - I still keep asking myself today. Not all questions have to be answered, but some must be asked.

From February 4 to 8, 2024, more than 60 women from all over Europe gathered at the SDA University “Villa Aurora” to reaffirm their ministry, encourage one another, and find ways and more opportunities to serve in their communities guided by the work of the Holy Spirit. The women who participated in the event were pastors, chaplains, departmental directors, and institutional leaders and administrators. I sat there on my chair, translating to some of my Bulgarian colleagues, and at the same time, I was trying to comprehend the scope and importance of this event, not just for those who participated, but for the Church in Europe, as a whole. The messages prepared by the presenters spoke directly to my heart and yet I somehow struggled to accept that my place was there, that my role was what it was, and that I was equipped enough to fulfil it.

Three extremely gifted, wisely humble, and inspiring women ministers led us on this journey for the next few days. Audrey Andersson, holding the responsible title of a General Conference Vice President, but presenting herself, her knowledge, her testimony, and her mission as a woman in ministry with all its advantages and vulnerabilities, was heartily appreciated by all. She revealed to us the processes, significance, and results of the calling, the choice, and the faithfulness in our personal and professional lives. Kessia Bennett, a lead pastor from the Oregon Conference of the North American Division, proclaimed and performed the Gospel to us in a very real life-changing way. Kessia emphasized the minister and her role (not her title), profoundly noting that “how we think of our role in ministry will determine how we fulfill the task before us”. Some questions about my role began to be answered. Edyta Jankewicz, representing the women in Ministry from the South Pacific Division, working as an associate ministerial secretary, shared with the audience useful tips on being a disciple of Jesus. She, also, offered us some practical advice about how to connect and what to disconnect from, to have a meaningful time and relationship with God. All three lecturers openly shared their knowledge and their very personal experiences. A sincere message of hope, humbleness, and affirmation accompanied each presentation, always followed by a special time for prayers.

Special guests were invited to lead us in the morning and evening devotions, namely, Dagmar Dorn, director of the EUD Women’s Ministries department, pastor Mario Brito, EUD president; pastor Andrei Cretu, Italian SDA Union president and Ventsislav Panayotov, EUD Ministerial department director. The passion for women in ministry and the encouraging words of pastor Brito still resonate in my mind: “If you want to go strong, you must go through challenges. Challenges bring success…Take it with patience. Remember that our boss is God. And if God is with us, we are much more powerful”, he stated to us on the very first day.

Oh, the praise team! How quickly they sparked our hearts, once they led us in worship. These were some other very special moments, that allowed me to even deepen my conversations with God.

As the women in ministry who we were, we had the chance to connect to the joys and struggles of each other and to feel sincere empathy for one another. We worshipped together, we prayed together, we shared openly, we learned, we experienced the Fruit of the Spirit and we, also, reasoned on the challenges we face as women in ministry. During these several days together, we discussed questions of our faith, our personal relationship with God, our role, and our purpose and mission in ministry.

“I really needed this special time. What I took from this conference was the impression that to be more efficient in my ministry, I should try to be more focused on building a healthier relationship with God and with others. I need that time for personal spiritual growth”, shared Petya Gotseva, a youth departmental leader at the Bulgarian Union.

“I am happy that I could connect with other young women in ministry. I think it was a great experience for all.”, expressed Maike Haase, Head of the communication department in Bavaria, Germany.

The last day concluded with a panel discussion where some of us shared the testimony of our calling and the path we follow as ministers. It would not have been so memorable for me if it had not ended with a beautiful blessing from the speakers for the women who have just recently started their ministry. It was a true dedication and confirmation of my calling and my choice. I strongly believe that through Christ Jesus and with the inspiring support of my fellow laborers, I could stay faithful till the end.

“We should have such meetings more often. It is so encouraging and inspiring to see so many women in different ministries, and yet, sharing their hopes, dreams, and challenges in a very open and heartfelt way”, concluded one of the organizers of the event, Varta Panayotova, responsible for the EUD Shepherdess Department.

Here is some more information about the speakers:

Audrey Andersson is Irish by birth and Swedish by choice and adoption. She was born in Ireland and grew up in a pastor’s family, moving around the British Isles and Canada. In 1993 she married a Swedish farmer and became a naturalized Swede some years later. She trained for ministry at Newbold College obtaining her BA in Theology. She made a detour into the publishing world, working as a Legal Editor in London, where, among other things, she developed and ran one of the first daily online news services from the UK High Court. Subsequently, she ran her own communications company in Sweden. She was one of the writers and editors of the GraceLink curriculum, participating in developing the Beginner to Primary curricula. In 2002 she was called to work for the Swedish Union Conference of Churches as Executive Secretary, Communications Director, and Women Ministries Director, a position she held until 2010, when she was called to serve as the Executive Secretary of the TED. Looking back, the detour into the business world uniquely equipped her for her Secretariat role. While working in Sweden she completed her Masters in Pastoral Ministry, at Newbold College. Kessia Reyne Bennett is the lead pastor of the Pleasant Valley Church in Oregon, USA, as well as a wife and a mother of two daughters. Kessia Reyne grew up in a non-religious household but became a follower of Jesus as a teenager when she was introduced to Him through an Adventist church community. From the start, she was energized by ministry and theology and counts it a pinnacle blessing of her life that she has been able to serve God in His church. She holds a PhD in Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and an MDiv from Andrews University Dr. Edyta Jankiewicz is currently serving as Associate Ministerial Secretary at the South Pacific Division. She was for many years the wife of a pastor in Australia, Fiji, and the United States. Until 2019, she served as Assistant Professor in the Department of Discipleship and Religious Education at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. She lives in New South Wales with her husband and two young adult daughters.

Reported by Tsvetelina Tsvetanova, Bulgarian Union, Communications department

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