Vanuatu: Give a little, to help a lot

Vanuatu: Give a little, to help a lot

Bern, Switzerland [J. Standish, CD EUDNews]. April 10, 2015. It’s been several weeks since Cyclone Pam ripped through Vanuatu, claiming 11 lives and thousands of homes. The category 5 storm also destroyed 53 Adventist churches.

J. Standish, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [J. Standish, CD EUDNews]. April 10, 2015.

It’s been several weeks since Cyclone Pam ripped through Vanuatu, claiming 11 lives and thousands of homes. The category 5 storm also destroyed 53 Adventist churches. The cyclone that struck Vanuatu recently destroyed 53 of the 85 Adventist churches in that island nation. The churches weren’t insured, and aid organisations don’t rebuild churches. So our church members are stuck. Many of them have lost their own homes. Their crops. Their businesses. Some have even had family members hurt or killed. They can’t rebuild alone. We’re a church family. And families don’t leave the ones they love suffering alone. So I’ve been thinking about what to do. I know how tedious it is to be asked to help for one good cause after another. But this is really dire. Adventist churches are the centre of village life. They are the heart of their communities. In the midst of devastation, the church is a place to find refuge and hope. I wonder if you’ll join with me in giving just a little of our excess, to help our church family in Vanuatu get back on its feet? We can give at>. Also on HopeChannel are 30-second videos. It would be so helpful if you’d share one of those videos on your Facebook page to get the word out. I know that Vanuatu is an obscure place in many people’s minds. But I’ve been there. And I can assure you the people there are just as real as you and me. Just like us, they have hopes and dreams, fears and heartaches. Right now, sadly, there is a lot of the latter. But we can share hope and help them rebuild their dreams. Let’s give a little, to help Vanuatu a lot.