"Three ... two ... E1NS (ONE)...": Nationwide Youth Congress in Kassel, Germany

"Three ... two ... E1NS (ONE)...": Nationwide Youth Congress in Kassel, Germany

Kassel, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. October 9, 2014. About 1,400 young people met in the Palais convention center in Kassel from October 2-5 for the German Youth Congress of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The aim of the event was to bring young people c


Kassel, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. October 9, 2014. About 1,400 young people met in the Palais convention center in Kassel from October 2-5 for the German Youth Congress of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The aim of the event was to bring young people closer to God, to promote community, to improve character and to serve others, reported Youth Leader and Pastor Ruben Grieco (Ostfildern near Stuttgart). For this purpose, the Congress offered a program with more than 30 workshops on topics such as "homelessness", "self-opportunity or risk" or "Archaeology and the Bible".

Guest speakers from home and abroad dealt with "Christian community", "A vocation", "One God, one baptism", "One faith" and "One Team". Many Adventist institutions were represent with their exhibition booths: the Friedensau Theological College, the Marienhoehe school center, the "Voice of Hope"media center, the German Health Care Association (DVG), or Advent-Verlag.

Unity was the key of the whole event, it was also evident in the motto “E1NS” (ONE). The speakers repeatedly expressed the desire for unity experienced by all participants – unity in all diversity. "God will not go where there is no unity," warned Pastor Miodrag Jovanovic in his opening address. A look at our own mistakes makes us more honest and open to unity. "It is important that you are here in one accord" exclaimed Pastor Bert Seefeldt (Hannover) from the national Adventist Youth.

The different workshops and programs gave youth the opportunity to be actively involved and to engage socially. Thus, on Friday afternoon approximately 40 young people made their way to the adjoining Kassel forest. Under the guidance of competent foresters they worked clearing a swamp area threatened with wild growth, helped restore former military training grounds and controlling open areas by planting trees.

The first evening all participants at the Congress were given a copy of the Gospel of Luke. Through an attractive magazine format and a modern layout, it facilitates the reading and study of the biblical text, said Pastor Ruben Grieco, one of the "E1NS" Congress organizers. In addition, an Adventist Youth-app was introduced, a specifically developed application software allowing quick access to news and events nationwide to Adventist Youth on smartphone and tablet.

The Adventist Youth in Germany is an independent youth organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It performs activities under its own youth organization and is responsible for children, scouts, youth and students. A selection of photos, videos and audio recordings during the Congress in Kassel can be found at the following web address: http://jugendkongress.adventjugend.de/media/