Ten days of Prayer: Some Testimonies

Ten days of Prayer: Some Testimonies

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. January 20, 2015. From January 7 to 17 thousands of believers around the globe joined in intercessory prayer under the motto: “Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit“. They prayed for their fellow believers, for their chur


Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. January 20, 2015.

From January 7 to 17 thousands of believers around the globe joined in intercessory prayer under the motto: “Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit“. They prayed for their fellow believers, for their church, for the upcoming General Conference Session, for their neighbours and friends. And they have sought for the presence of God.

Here some testimonies coming from all over the world:

"I thank God for the privilege and opportunity to be part of Operation Global Rain. We had the 10 Days of Prayer with fasting and concluded with an anointing service the last night. People were anointed and already there are testimonies of deliverance from oppression and depression."
Pastor O.E. Obebe, Maryland Church, Lagos, Nigeria

"It has been an awesome experience with Operation Global Rain. OGR has afforded us the opportunity to ignite the Holy Spirit in our members and the community we serve. Walls that previously bordered us have crumbled to pathways that bless us."
Pastor Roscoe Shields, South Central Conference, USA

"It was a beautiful time of fellowship and prayer. I feel so much closer to my church family and with God. I can feel and see myself growing into a woman of God. Taking the role of prayer leader was a big task but I thank God for sustaining me during the 10 days."
Jessica Cutting, North Mackay SDA Church, Australia

"During the 10 Days of Prayer our church asked for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Sabbath program was really special because it had time in the morning for prayer and divine worship. The congregation was invited to seek earnestly the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and took part in the global fasting. I believe in this generation that the Lord will do great things today, tomorrow, and always."
Pr.Sergio Molina, Hatillo Church, San Jose, Costa Rica

God poured out His Spirit in Pentecost power after His church spent ten days together, pleading for His promised blessing.

"Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved."(Acts 2: 44-47)