Romania: Biblical Village, a unique project in Europe

Romania: Biblical Village, a unique project in Europe

Bucharest, Romania [CD EUDNews, M. Brasov]. October 10, 2014. A record number of visitors and the consistent national media coverage of a project of rebuilding a Biblical village, unique in Europe, is recently boosting the popularity of the church in Buch

CD EUDNews, M. Brasov

Bucharest, Romania [CD EUDNews, M. Brasov]. October 10, 2014. A record number of visitors and the consistent national media coverage of a project of rebuilding a Biblical village, unique in Europe, is recently boosting the popularity of the church in Bucharest, Romania’s capital city. Pastors and youth are working together for the success of this major project.

In 10 days, 30,000 people visited the Biblical Village, set in one of the largest parks in Bucharest.

About 1000 volunteers have been involved so far, starting from the first Biblical Village in April 2014. All the churches in Bucharest are contributing to the project.

The third Biblical Village was opened October 7, 2014. "God gave me the honour of working for the youth from the beginning of my ministry. During this period I have had the privilege of meeting talented people who have inspired me. The Biblical Village was a combination of 3 projects done in the past: Manger alive – birth of Jesus Christ; Cross Museum – crucifixion of Jesus Christ; Art camp - Biblical crafts, as reported by Mihai Brasov, co-founder of the project.

Mihai Brasov continues, "The idea of The Village was born during a meeting with my colleagues, all pastors in Bucharest, when we were asked to create a project for children and youth. As a result, together we built this concept."

For one year the founding team designed and built the Village and for the Easter Week they assembled the houses in the most beautiful park in the Capital of Romania. The surface of the Village took 10,000 square metres. The Biblical Village consists of 18 sub-projects which include almost all rural life in Biblical times: handicraft workshops, fisherman's house, farm animals, restaurant and synagogue.

According to the Project Manager, the main goal was to present the Bible to the citizens of Bucharest. People can interact with the great Bible world, engage and connect with the times. In addition, this project will be a challenging event for the Adventist youth.

The reaction has been very positive. In all 30 articles published in the newspapers, journalists have written with great respect. "God surprised us with the reaction of people who visited The Village", reported Brasov.

Here are some of the comments: “I want to congratulate you for this wonderful idea, it has developed into a real project” said Aurel Vainer, Member of the Romanian Parliament and President of Jewish Federation in Romania.

“I think this project reminds us that God is alive and that He manifested himself in human's history, in the life of real people... God spoke to them, God was connected with them” affirmed Daniel Barbu, Member of the Romanian Parliament, Minister of Culture.

“I think this project is absolutely gorgeous, it is really exciting. That is an excellent idea: to make a village that embodies all the three monotheistic religions” affirmed Victor Opaschi, Minister-secretary of State.

“This is one of the best educational projects we have had so far in our country. It supports the school, in its battle for morality and normality” said Dumitru Bortun, National Communication Association of Romania.

"I love God with all my heart and want to do good things for Him. I had a wonderful team of colleagues who have worked with zeal and delight. The record number of volunteers involved (1,000) demonstrated God's guidance and unity through the Holy Spirit", concluded Mihai Brasov.

To learn more about this project, please visit the following web page: