National Congress of the Spanish Union

National Congress of the Spanish Union

The theme was “Back to the altar. Together in the Word”

Esther Azon, Andreas Mazza, EUDNews.

From June 14 to 16, 2024, more than 4,000 people gathered in the Fernando Martín pavilion in Fuenlabrada (Madrid), and about a thousand more joined online. Their purpose: to enjoy the National Congress, themed "Back to the altar. Together in the Word”, sponsored by the Spanish Adventist Union (UAE) and Editorial Safeliz. The congress was the fruit of more than a year of work by the organizing committee of the UAE and Editorial Safeliz.

Without a doubt, the congress was a great blessing, filled with moving messages from the president of the General Conference, Ted Wilson, and the rest of the guest pastors, who shared inspiring reflections with attendees.

The program enlivened participants with uplifting music, among which the choirs and orchestras of the Romanian community and, of course, the participation and extraordinary concert of Arautos do Rei.

There was also an opportunity for participants to learn about the official and support projects at the exhibition booths and, of course, to celebrate the presentation of the new Safeliz Bibles. All this without forgetting the three emotional baptisms that participants had the opportunity to witness.

“Back to the altar. Together in the Word”

“‘Back to the altar’ because, as clueless human beings, from time to time, it is good to review where we are and where we are going,” explained Esther Azon, co-editor of Revista Adventista.

“Maybe we were 'near' the altar, but not 'at' the altar, which is where we should be. And, therefore, from time to time, it is very positive to enjoy events like this, which revive us and bring us closer to one other and to the Lord,” continued Azon, concluding, “‘Together in the Word’, because the Bible is our guide and we work to deepen it, internalize it and share it with others in every possible way.”

An emotional moment presented itself in the dedication of the new Bibles from Editorial Safeliz, materials with which to continue impacting lives.

Worship and spiritual growth

Without a doubt, participants worshiped God and grew spiritually through the presentations of the GC president, Pastor Ted Wilson, who reminded everyone why a return to the altar is needed.

Participants also enjoyed the heartening message of Pastor Ramón Canals (ministerial secretary of the General Conference).

Notable mention goes to the presentations of the Youth leader of the Inter-European Division, Jonatán Tejel, who brought participants closer to characters like Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman with inspiring teachings.

Pastor Williams Costa Junior, director of Communications at the GC level, for his part, explained how to support those who have distanced themselves from the altar. He shared how to accompany them back through affection, visitation, and music, a magnificent communication tool that transcends words and pierces the heart.

The Inter-European Division president, Pastor Mario Brito, was also a highly appreciated guest.


One of the keys to the congress was praise. From the beautiful choirs, orchestras, solos, and fanfare, especially from the Romanian community, to the congregational worship led by Pastors Williams Costa Junior and Richard Ruszuly (ministerial secretary of the Spanish Union), music, without a doubt, uplifted participants and brought them closer to the altar.

In a special way, the presence of the group Arautos do Rei drew participants to the altar. Their involvement throughout the entire congress and, specifically, their concert on Saturday night were spectacular moments of heavenly enjoyment.


There is no greater celebration than that of a life given to Christ, and, in this congress, participants had the opportunity to witness three souls who made their pact with Jesus through the baptismal waters.

To read the original article, please go here.

To watch the Congress, please go here: