Moldova: ADRA Children's Centre receives Award

Moldova: ADRA Children's Centre receives Award

Weiterstadt, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. December 8, 2014. The Children's Center ‘Rainbow of Hope’ in Moldova received an award from the Town & Country Foundation in the amount of 5,000 euros. Established in 2009, the Foundation is dedicated to helping


Weiterstadt, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. December 8, 2014.

The Children's Center ‘Rainbow of Hope’ in Moldova received an award from the Town & Country Foundation in the amount of 5,000 euros. Established in 2009, the Foundation is dedicated to helping disadvantaged children and supporting families in need.

The ‘Rainbow of Hope’ Centre is run by the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Germany, based in Weiterstadt, close to Darmstadt.

The facility is located in the Republic of Moldova, about 20 kilometers outside the capital Chisinau. According to ADRA Germany, the Centre takes children from the street and difficult family situations, provides medical examination and treatment before re-integration into schools.

The aim is to unite them with their own families, relatives, or if that is not possible, with care-families. The Children's Centre was created as a result of "Children helping children" the annual project by ADRA Germany.

"I am glad that through the promotion, the Foundation received a substantial support for next year's Children's Centre", said Anja Emrich, ADRA regional coordinator. The Town & Country Foundation Award is given to local organizations, whose projects' main goal is the well-being of children.

For the second time the Foundation awarded local associations and institutions that support disadvantaged children in families, kindergartens, schools and other institutions. An independent jury chose the winners from 176 applicants. The "Children's Centre Rainbow of Hope" received the award for the German Region of ‘Hessen’.

ADRA Germany was founded in 1987 by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As a member of a worldwide network of 134 national offices, ADRA Germany works to fight poverty and oppression in the poorer parts of the world.