Italy: Adventist Churches hit by flood

Italy: Adventist Churches hit by flood

Rome, Italy [Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews]. November 27, 2014. The heavy rains of November 15, triggered the Lambro River to swell causing it to overflow. Early Sunday morning, the water had already invaded the premises of the Filipino and Romanian A

Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews.

Rome, Italy [Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews]. November 27, 2014.

The heavy rains of November 15, triggered the Lambro River to swell causing it to overflow. Early Sunday morning, the water had already invaded the premises of the Filipino and Romanian Adventist churches in Milan, reaching 160 cm in height.

"The Filipino church is the most damaged, but the Romanian church is also in a state of emergency," said Vincenzo Annunziata, Italian Union (Uicca) Director of Communications, "Community members worked all day Sunday and Monday, cleaning up and clearing out the debris. "

Flash flood badly damaged the plaster walls, doors and wooden window frames. Water has also destroyed furniture, the flooring, the sound system, the heating, the children's Sabbath School material, books and Aisa scouts material. Everything was destroyed.

"Now our brothers and sisters do not know what to do and where to meet. Let us pray for them so that, together with the Italian Union, we can find a solution. We are also concerned about the people in that area that find themselves in the same emergency situation," said V. Annunziata.

A group of volunteers was immediately prompted to action emptying the rooms and taking out any equipment or furniture that could be salvaged.

The italian Church needs your help. Please, donate now:

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