Human Rights: The Adventist Church on the front line

Human Rights: The Adventist Church on the front line

Bern, Switzerland [A. Mazza, CD EUDNews]. April 8, 2015. The Twenty-eighth Human Rights Council was recently held at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. Here a summary of the Statement submitted by the International Association for the Defense o

Liviu Olteanu, Andreas Mazza, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [A. Mazza, CD EUDNews]. April 8, 2015.

The Twenty-eighth Human Rights Council was recently held at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva. Here is a summary of the Statement submitted by the International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty through its Secretary General, Liviu Olteanu.

"As AIDLR (International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty) we strongly believe that it is vital to join forces with the High Commissioner on Human Rights and also with other organizations as the European Union, the Council of Europe, OSCE, OIC for global peace, development, human dignity and security.

As the world faces a growing number of simultaneous crises, we strongly believe that this work of cooperation between international, regional and national human rights actors is clearly necessary, so that all of us can generate more impact.

TheAIDLR stronglycondemnsall kinds of violence and terrorism, all types of discrimination and persecution of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists etc. – no matter where tragedies take place.

We believe in the respect of dignity of every person, in the protection of fundamental rights and of the international law and religious liberty, according to the universal law and conscience. Everyone deserves freedom of speech, without fear.

The promotion and protection of universal values and global rights represents notonlya prioritybutanurgency; the respect of life and the dignity of every person requires a commonvigilanceand empathywith all those who are suffering - children, women, youth and adult people - no matter the culture, color, religion, background, education, etc.

We love diversity and a culture of respect and we should make permanent efforts in order to reach intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

We stand for respect of differences, religious minorities and for the defence of justice, democracy and law.

AIDLR urges the International community, all Islamic countries, all UN delegations, the international NGOs to strongly condemn religious hate, intolerance, all kind of religious discrimination, persecution, terrorism and killing of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and religious minorities around the world. AIDLR urges the International community to act immediately and decisively through a coordinated response. The AIDLR stresses the need for an international empathy, no matter where a tragedy occurs. Thus, AIDLR is planning to organize here at the UN in Geneva a WORLD FREEDOM & TOLERANCE FORUM, where we want to stress the need for a global cooperation and coordination, developing a new horizon against all types of violence and terrorism, and in favor of intercultural dialogue and harmony, religious minorities, security and peace." AIDLR ( was founded in 1946, in Paris. It is a non-governmental organization - coordinated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church - accredited with the ECOSOC Committee of the United Nations, in New York and Geneva, and in participative statute with the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg. Its goal is to disseminate ideas of tolerance, and to defend the right for anyone to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to believe or not, freedom to change one’s religion or belief, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Pictures: 1. Liviu Olteanu, Secretary General of AIDLR, with Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission. (L. Olteanu) 2. The Un Assembly Hall in Geneva (A.Mazza).