Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Bern, Switzerland [B. Vertallier, CD EUDNews]. December 24, 2014. "Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, This year is coming to an end, a new year is approaching. Never before has the world regarded a new year with such uncertainty, insecurity, anxi

B. Vertallier, President of the EUD Division, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [B. Vertallier, CD EUDNews]. December 24, 2014.

"Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This year is coming to an end, a new year is approaching.

Never before has the world regarded a new year with such uncertainty, insecurity, anxiety and instability.

The financial and economic crisis, the social unrest, the extreme unemployment, the crisis in world politics, the conflict in Ukraine, the various civil wars, the epidemic spread of Ebola, the cancer-plague, the extremism of some fierce religious fringes and many other tragic events do not bring peace and serenity, it is a cause for worry in all of us!

On the other hand, in many people we see a profound desire for spiritual, environmental, political and civil revival. Like young Malala, recent winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, most of us dream of a conscience-awakening, of establishing global universal values and principles, of brotherhood, love, forgiveness and understanding. We all recognize the urgent call of conscience and Global Dignity, in which basic human rights are respected and valued, where the image of God is respected in every creature and in all Creation.

The Adventist Church supports people’s dignity. It will always be one of its goals.

In 2015, may all those with good will, be more joyful and hopeful in the new year, moving towards a Global Movement for Dignity!

The time has come for us as Adventists to come forward as ambassadors of God's kingdom, awaiting the return of Jesus Christ, the King of kings. May the Lord use us to fill this world with love, understanding, forgiveness and reconciliation!

Dear brothers and sisters,

May the Peace, Love and Presence of the Lord be with you all in the New Year!"