Germany: Adventist Relief and Islamic Relief partnership

Germany: Adventist Relief and Islamic Relief partnership

Stuttgart, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. December 23, 2014. ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) and the Muslim charity and Islamic Relief (IR) can look back on years of successful cooperation. It was announced by Christian Molke, managing direc


Stuttgart, Germany [APD, CD EUDNews]. December 23, 2014.

ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) and the Muslim charity and Islamic Relief (IR) can look back on years of successful cooperation. It was announced by Christian Molke, managing director of ADRA Germany, and Tarek Abdelalem, CEO of Islamic Relief Germany, as part of the discussion at the event in Stuttgart.

The motto for the conference was " Christians and Muslims together helping people in need, improves service and benefits everyone" it is organized by the Christian-Islamic Society meeting and cooperating in Stuttgart (CIBZ).

ADRA is officially registered in 130 countries and is among the ten largest private aid organizations worldwide, stressed Molke. Because it isn't organized hierarchically, but rather works independently and in partnership, ADRA can cooperate openly and in partnership with other relief agencies.

Abdelalem declared that IR is also recognized as one of the largest Islamic charities. There is no religious structure behind the scene, yet Islam is the greatest motivator for employees to help others.

“We can come together under a set of common values: 'the central theme of humanitarian work’ is treasured and preserved in human rights,” said Molke. Therefore, one feels connected to all people. Ethnic background, gender, or other factors play no role.

As examples of successful co-operation between ADRA and IR, both managers mentioned projects in Somalia and the efforts to curb the Ebola epidemic. “In Somalia, ADRA is cooperating with other partners in setting up a nationwide primary school system,” said Molke.

For more information, both managers point to their respective websites of relief organizations: or

Pictures: 1. The Islamic Relief Logo (Wikipedia). 2. Tarek Abdelalem, CEO of Islamic Relief Germany. (Islamic Relief) 3. Christian Molke, managing director of ADRA Germany (Adra Deutschland).