Friedensau University: EUD Master's in Pastoral Ministry

Friedensau University: EUD Master's in Pastoral Ministry

The application deadline is July 31.

Andrea Cramer, EUDNews

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, Dr. László Szabó, the program director MPM at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU), presented an overview of the EUD Master's in Pastoral Ministry (MPM) in an online session.

This English-language program is tailored to meet the specific needs of the EUD.

The Master of Arts (Pastoral Ministry) is designed as a two-year, full-time program (4 semesters with 120 ECTS credits) and is intended for qualified students from European countries and beyond. Students who already have a 4 year BA in Theology may choose the 1.5-year program (90 ECTS credits). The language of instruction is English.

This program is built from blocks called "modules." All the major themes are studied in clusters - each module contains several courses and typically contains only one exam or paper. It is these modules that are graded, not the courses.

Since the ministry and mission orientation is crucial to the entire program, the core modules focus on the areas of Mission Issues and Practices, Church and Society, Church Dynamics, in addition to the more classic fields of Biblical Studies and Exegesis, Systematic Theology, and Church History. Various electives allow for specializations according to student's areas of interest or their individual requirements in ministry. Each semester a variety of alternating electives is offered, such as Youth Ministry, other areas of Practical Theology, Empirical Methods, and specialized research.

More about Friedensau University

Friedensau Adventist University of Theology is a state-recognized university sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ten B.A. and M.A. study programs can be taken in the schools of Social Sciences and Theology – some of them part-time or online. Prospective students can register for taster days and get to know life in the lecture hall and on campus.

For more details, visit the program page.

Register for the online information day via our website.