European Portuguese Language Council organizes the 5th Revive Europa Congress in Lisbon

European Portuguese Language Council organizes the 5th Revive Europa Congress in Lisbon


Between the 19th and 21st of July, the Aula Magna of the University of Lisbon hosted the 5th Revive Europa Congress, an event organized by the European Portuguese Language Council (CELP). This triennial congress, which brings together the various Portuguese-speaking churches in Europe, has historically held the congresses in France (2010), Switzerland (2012 and 2016), and France again (2019), and now Lisbon, Portugal (2024).

The president of CELP, Pr. Eurico Correia, highlighted the importance of the event by stating that “CELP is a Support Ministry, an initiative created by lay members and pastors, living in Europe, who felt the need to share the biblical message with Portuguese speakers. There are several churches in other languages, but when people leave Portugal or Brazil or any other CELP country, because they don't know the native language of that country, they don't feel integrated, so they need support in their own language”.

The Revive Europa Congress has been used by CELP as a unique opportunity to unite all Portuguese-speaking churches in Europe, providing moments of spirituality and sharing the activities carried out in the different congregations. In addition to spiritual enrichment, the congress aims to motivate people for the mission, considering the different realities of European countries.

Among the highlights of the event was the Arautos do Rei quartet, a musical group coordinated by Novo Tempo Brasil with 62 years of existence, which is in its 30th formation, and the speaker of the Voz da Profecia program, Pastor Gilson Brito.

The next CELP Congress is scheduled for 2027 but, until then, CELP will continue to develop initiatives in the different regions of Europe in order to strengthen the ties that the Portuguese language produces on European soil, thus promoting the message of salvation.