EUD & TED: United in the Essence of Worship

EUD & TED: United in the Essence of Worship

Bracknell, UK [Kärt Lazić, tedNEWS, CD EUDNews]. On 17 October 2014, about 140 worship leaders from all over Europe gathered in Bracknell, England for the European Worship Conference, prepared to spend the next four days experiencing and exploring the e

Kärt Lazić, tedNEWS, CD EUDNews.

Bracknell, UK [Kärt Lazić, tedNEWS, CD EUDNews]. October 30, 2014.

About 140 worship leaders from all over Europe gathered in Bracknell, England for the European Worship Conference, prepared to spend the next four days experiencing and exploring the essence of worship. That is exactly what the conference focused on – not on the matters of personal taste in music nor on fixed models for putting together a “correct” kind of a service, but on what worship essentially is and what lies in its very core.

Over these days, the phenomenon of worship was studied from many different perspectives, enabling the participants to have a glimpse of its development in history, its Biblical grounds, its cultural connections and its potential contemporary manifestations. Among others, the list of presenters included Dr Daniel Duda, who defined worship as responding to all that God is with all that we are; Professor Lilianne Doukhan, who explored the role of music in worship; Ken Burton, who shared creative tips for congregational worship; and Tihomir Lazić, who highlighted that worship is not optional – we are made to worship our Creator and Saviour.

Since nothing related to faith should remain on the theoretical level only, the conference dedicated Saturday to the practical side of worship – the participants and visitors came together for a Day of Fellowship in the Dominion Centre, London. Both the morning service and the concert in the evening included different formal and cultural elements, each making use of a certain set of gifts, addressing a certain set of needs, and each, ultimately and foremost, giving glory to God, the cause and centre of our day-to-day worship.

In addition to informative and inspiring presentations, several participants listed the experience of genuine fellowship as one of the great things they would be taking home with them. They were positively surprised, as the focus on the essence of worship enabled a strong sense of unity and common ground even between those whose tastes in formal details would differ. According to Dr Miroslav Pujić, such a constructive approach was intentionally chosen by the organisers. He emphasised the importance of getting the truly important things back into spotlight in our churches and individual lives, and understanding what true, authentic and holistic worship really entails.

On Tuesday, the 140 attendees went back to their homes, inspired to share the message as well as to integrate the knowledge into their service for local churches, encouraging their church members to worship 24/7, to be creative and holistic in their response to God, and to come to congregational worship services prepared to be active and open participants.

Pictures: 1. Bill Knott, Adventist Review Editor, leading the worship. 2. Miroslav Pujic, TED Communications Director, with Corrado Cozzi, EUD Communications Director. 3. An Adventist Gospel Group. 4. Prof. Gabriele Giuga leading the debate. (credits: Dragana Kovacevic (TEDMedia)