Coffee with David Cameron

Coffee with David Cameron

Bedford, UK [BUC News, CD EUDNews]. February 26, 2015. Following Jesus' example to 'mingle with the people', Bedford (UK) Central pastor, Sam Davies, along with church elder, Yvonne Carnegie, met with Prime Minister, David Cameron, during a coffee morn

BUC News, CD EUDNews.

Bedford, UK [BUC News, CD EUDNews]. February 26, 2015.

Following Jesus' example to 'mingle with the people', Bedford (UK) Central pastor, Sam Davies, along with church elder, Yvonne Carnegie, met with Prime Minister, David Cameron, during a coffee morning style discussion with local leaders in Bedford on Friday, 20 February. Mr Cameron took the occasion to deliver a key Government policy statement on marriage.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a strong community presence in Bedford, and it was on that basis that their local MP, Mr Richard Fuller not only gave them an invitation, but ensured that Pastor Davies was seated close to the Prime Minister and had opportunity for conversation.

Pastor Davies stated that he was grateful for the opportunity to meet with the Prime Minister who took time to mingle with the audience prior to his speech. He said it was encouraging to discover the Prime Minister is well aware of the Adventist Church in the UK. With a wry smile on his face, Mr Cameron added, that "the good thing about having so many different denominations is that it provides competition so that everyone can be on their toes."

While Adventist Church leadership had submitted a series of concerns to the current government over the issue of same-sex marriage instituted during the current parliament, Pastor Davies nevertheless indicated that he was pleased to hear Mr Cameron announce a married couple's tax allowance which is intended to help some couples save up to £212 a year.

Mr Cameron said, "I'm massively enthusiastic about the institution of marriage and about what it means for many families in our country. I think it's right that we should recognise marriage."

Pastor Davies said he was also impressed with some of the statements made by the Prime Minister such as; "families are the bedrock of our society" and "there is something special about the institution of marriage." Being an enthusiast of supporting marriages, Pastor Davies felt such statements from politicians help to promote the institution of marriage which the Church espouses.

The MP for Bedford and Kempston was also praised by Pastor Davies for his active involvement with faith communities within his constituency. He noted that Mr Fuller has previously honoured three invitations to attend Bedford Central Adventist church and has also hosted church members during a visit to the Houses of Parliament in Westminster last October. Mr Fuller believes that as members of the community Adventists should engage with their local politicians and to share their views on issues that affect their Christian values.

Picture: David Cameron with pastor Sam Davies (BUC News).