Bulgaria: United in expectation and service

Bulgaria: United in expectation and service

Sofia, Bulgaria [P. Kuzev; CD EUDNews]. November 12, 2014. Today our country is surrounded by economical and political crisis, this is no secret. Maybe the best words to describe our situation is that we are coming to a “dead end”. Politicians cannot a

Peter Kuzev, Com. Dep. Bulgarian Union, CD EUDNews.

Sofia, Bulgaria [P. Kuzev; CD EUDNews]. November 12, 2014.

Today our country is surrounded by economical and political crisis, this is no secret. Maybe the best words to describe our situation is that we are coming to a “dead end”. Politicians cannot agree with one another. What Bulgaria is missing is, “unity”, not only politically but also socially. Although our church tries to settle issues apart from politics, unity has been recognized as a basic need, and is part of the logo at the National Conference with pastor Ted Wilson, President of the GC. The conference was held at the National Cultural Building in Hall 3 where about 1500 members gathered from congregations all around the country.

The National Conference was also the climax of another meeting planned to coincide with pastor Wilson’s visit – the very first Committee organized by our Union for the leaders of the Inter-European Division. On Thursday (Oct. 30) all pastors had the opportunity to meet the GC President, and to ask him questions in a personal, informal atmosphere.

The best part was the worship service on Sabbath morning. The songs, the prayers, the dedication of the Mission Book of the Year, and pastor Wilson's sermon, all were in harmony with the logo, “United in Expectation and Service”. The core of his message was to stimulate change and reformation. We cannot complete our task with our own plans and strategies, this work is far too big for us. What we need is wisdom and power from God to enable us to successfully spread the message. But it all begins with personal transformation after we meet Christ.

This was also confirmed by Tatyana's comments – a woman from the former Soviet Republic who was invited by her son to be present at his baptism, and eventually decided to be baptized herself. She started examining the Bible, and became acquainted with the Saviour who completely changed her life. And the positive changes in her life broke down her husband’s resistance. Pastor Wilson closed the meeting by saying that the task will be completed only by people who have been transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Our worship service also included an expression of thankfulness to God through donations. The money collected (more than 3000 leva = 1500 Euro) is for the victims of the devastating floods in our country this year.

Christian Music Ensemble “The Voice of Hope” conducted by Vessiln Vassilev, contributed beautifully to the spirit of worship. The final performance of “Hallelujah” by G.F. Handel was so awe-inspiring, that the typical historical reaction followed, we all rose to our feet.

In the afternoon we were thrilled to experience the ordination of three new pastors, followed by question and answer period by the GC President. Questions were previously given to, and organized by pastor Milen Georgiev, Secretary of the Union. Topics included “hot” question concerning independent services, attitude of the church toward homosexuals and homosexuality, Church Manual validity, and so on.

We were also captivated by the beautiful music presented by the Gipsy Choir from the town of Kyustendil.

At the end of the meetings we all felt like we had touched heaven. This experience was not because the President and his wife Nancy were present with the rest of the guests, but because of the presence of God, His goodness and bounty. We hope we will all meet again very soon, if not here... in eternity.

Picture: 1. The audience. 2. The Ordination of three pastors. 3. Nancy and Ted Wilson. 4. The audience. (Bulgaria Union)