Beyond the Walls

Beyond the Walls

Adventurer and Family Camp in Bulgaria

Mirra Vassilev*

A camp for adventurers and families “Beyond the Walls” was held at Samokov Hotel in Borovets resort, Bulgaria from July 1st to 7th. At the foot of Mount Musalla, surrounded by the freshness of pine forests, more than 260 children and parents experienced an unforgettable week together.

There were separate activities for the adventurers and their parents – the adventurers “conquered Canaan”, and the adults listened to the exciting messages of Pastor Petko Bonev from Germany, dedicated to the walls of alienation in the family, and their successful demolition. Many invisible things stand between spouses, between parents and children – narcissism, stereotypes and traditions, social media... Sometimes without realizing it, from loving and devoted members of a family we turn into rivals, distrustful of each other egocentrics, “taking the largest share of the pie” each for themselves. This is no wonder, of course, because we all have the same sin-infected nature. But our heavenly Father and Creator offers His power to overcome all these. A happy family, mutual care and love, is not an utopia, not a picture from a commercial, but a real opportunity for every family in which God participates as a full member.

The adventurers were divided into 12 teams or “tribes”, and every day they overcame one obstacle on the way to the “Promised Land” – crossed the Jordan river, broke down the walls of Jericho, etc. There were many games, competitions, songs, surprises and treats.

Besides Pastor Bonev’s messages, parents had the pleasure to participate in three workshops dedicated to the parent-child relationship – “How to help our children live their faith in a hostile environment”, “How to speak the language of our children” and “How to understand our children’s feelings.” On Wednesday evening, married couples experienced an unforgettable romantic evening and recalled the promises made at the beginning of their love journey. And they renewed them, of course.

Most people gathered in front of the Post Office during the week. Yes, there was a real Post Office with a real postman, boxes and addresses. Each family had its own mailbox, and everyone could post a letter to whoever they wanted. The last night of the camp was the most exciting – then, every family received their box, and opened it with joy and excitement.

The most frequently asked question on the last day was “When will be the next camp like this?” Beyond the Walls 2024 was a real unforgettable experience.

*Producer and presenter at Radio 3:16 under AWR Bulgaria; Member of Family Ministry’s department at the Bulgarian SDA Union.