Adventist Church: Committed to improving the state of Children

Adventist Church: Committed to improving the state of Children

Bern, Switzerland [Elsa Cozzi, CD EUDNews]. January 26, 2015. The terrible events of these past few days deeply effect us all and we begin to wonder, 'what is the limit of human cruelty?'. Sadly, these recent events seem to prove there isn't any limit

Elsa Cozzi, EUD Children's Ministries Director, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [Elsa Cozzi, CD EUDNews]. January 26, 2015.

The terrible events of these past few days deeply effect us all and we begin to wonder, 'what is the limit of human cruelty?'. Sadly, these recent events seem to prove there isn't any limit. Unjust and terrible acts are committed in the name of religion. Among these is the involvement of innocent children in wars and conflicts. Again and again we hear stories of children used as soldiers and put in situations that are intolerable for adults, let alone for children!

The girls that just a few days ago were sent as suicide bombers to a marketplace are the first victims of the atrocity. It's impossible to think that children are capable of such acts of their own free will. As if that was not enough, we hear that a ten-year-old boy conducted an execution of so-called spies.

Every time I hear news like that my stomach turns and I think of the devastating repercussions these actions will have on those children's psyche and their future, if ever they grow up. I feel powerless and useless but Jesus' words about children, continue ringing in my ear: “See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10)

Maybe in times like these it seems as if God is watching from a window but I'm convinced that it's not the case. He wants us to get involved, to protect and help these children. The question is: how can we truly help them? Will our small contribution make a difference? There were demonstrations held around the world to remember the tragedy in Paris. Millions of people stood in support of democracy, freedom and justice. Who will stand for all the children of the world that are victims of adults irresponsibility and cruelty? Children die every day and few people notice or give it much importance.

I feel like saying: I AM A CHILD!

Click here to read the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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