ADRA Ukraine took the 12th place in the ranking of "Top 100 charitable organizations of Ukraine in 2023"

ADRA Ukraine took the 12th place in the ranking of "Top 100 charitable organizations of Ukraine in 2023"

ADRA Ukraine

The Association of Charities of Ukraine published the Annual Rating “Top 100 + public charitable organizations of Ukraine” (according to the results of activities in 2023). The analise of charitable organizations activities was conducted together with the developer of the analise methodology: NGO “Center for Business Partnership” and partner organization LLC “Fintechaliance”. ADRA Ukraine (Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Ukraine) got the 12th place.

As noted on the website of the Association of Charities of Ukraine, “the list of organizations from the Rating was formed using exclusively opened information about the amount of funds used by the organizations last year to implement their own charitable programs (projects).” Publicity, transparency, public awareness of charitable organizations activities also were taken into account.

The full rating can be found by this link.

More about ADRA Ukraine

ADRA Ukraine is part of the global network of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), which operates in more than 130 countries. ADRA International was founded in 1956 as one of the Seventh-day Adventist Church branches and has consultative status within the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

The main task of ADRA is to support people in need and the most vulnerable segments of the population, improving their lives, making them more active and successful in overcoming difficult life situations.

The charitable organization ADRA Ukraine has been officially registered and has been implementing humanitarian projects since February 21, 1993. ADRA Ukraine helps victims of conflicts and disasters, IDPs and their families, orphans, social orphans in orphanages and shelters, hospital patients, helps people in hot spots, the disabled and the elderly, and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

To read the original article, please go here.