A Uniting Experience - Ten Days of Prayer 2015

A Uniting Experience - Ten Days of Prayer 2015

Bern, Switzerland [G. Maurer, CD EUDNews]. January 7, 2015. From January 7 to 17 thousands of believers around the globe will join in intercessory prayer under the motto: “Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit“. They will pray for their fellow believers

Gabriel E. Maurer, EUD Secretary General, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [G. Maurer, CD EUDNews]. January 7, 2015.

From January 7 to 17 thousands of believers around the globe will join in intercessory prayer under the motto: “Experiencing the Fruit of the Spirit“. They will pray for their fellow believers, for their church, for the upcoming General Conference Session, for their neighbours and friends. And they will do it seeking the presence of God.

It has become known, that at the beginning of each year Adventists around the world are uniting in prayer. Although each year 10 days are reserved to prayer, it has not become a routine. On the contrary. Many believers participating in this spiritual adventure, having Jesus Christ in the center of attention, have experienced unprecedented blessings.

But what makes prayer so important?

First, Jesus Christ Himself has demonstrated how important prayer is in the life of a disciple. Very often we find Jesus praying late in the night, early in the morning, or even through the whole night. We read: “And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.” Luke 6:12

Second, Jesus Himself has taught us to do so. In the Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6:9-13 He encourages prayer, which should include all aspects of life. Nothing is too small and nothing too big as to be brought before God in prayer.

Third, the Bible teaches us to pray and not to give up. If there is sickness, if there are problems, if there is need for wisdom, if there is need for God’s intervention, the New Testament recommends: “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

Although religion has mostly disappeared from public life in Europe, more and more people think that prayer is a powerful tool bringing them in connection to God. Scientific studies show that prayer is more than just a psychological exercise. It is indeed something that works. But, in order to be effective, the person praying “needs to profoundly believe”.

Prayer brings us in the presence of God. In prayer we can have personal conversation with God. We can unload there our burdens. But we can also share our joys. Prayer will keep us awake to carry into the world the Biblical values we read in Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)

As published by the General Conference, based on the Biblical Pentecost experience, all around the world, Adventist churches are experiencing the renewal of the Holy Spirit by following the disciples’ example and participating in Ten Days of Prayer. Church elders, pastors, and lay leaders have led prayer groups of all sizes in homes, schools, churches, online forums, and teleconference. And God has blessed.

There is nothing we could not bring before God in prayer. Therefore during the 10 Days of Prayer Adventist believers will pray for their countries and their governments. They will pray for their towns or villages in which they live. They will also pray for peace, for acts of mercy, and for mutual help of people around them forming the society. And, of course, they will pray for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"The Lord is inviting us during ten days to a beautiful season of prayer. This is a real blessing ahead of us and I invite all the churches and members, young people and friends of the church to experiment this wonderful time. Pray for the people who are living in difficult circumstances. Pray in the name of Jesus that God may accomplish His promise and deliver us from evil. Yes, we long for the second coming of our Lord and pray without stopping", commented Bruno Vertallier, President of the Inter-European Division.

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Picture: Depiction of the Holy Spirit as a dove, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Wikipedia).