A letter to the #youth

A letter to the #youth

The #future is yours and it begins today!

Andreas Mazza, EUDnews.

Hi guys, how are you doing? You are probably feeling confused, disoriented…right?

The #world is experiencing moments of great #uncertainty, and major #anxiety. In this historical time, it is understandably hard to dream. But as a young person, it is impossible to not #dream! Adolescence and youth are phases of life in which you dream, you get excited, you believe in the impossible, you want to #change the world!

#Imagination soars, #dreams and #fantasies flourish, trust is blind!

For decades, #Europe has been experiencing periods of financial stagnation. Debt is crushing and climbing, unemployment is rising, social welfare benefits are decreasing. Our traditional points of reference are wavering, principles and values are being questioned more often now than ever.

The #Climate and Environmental Crises

#Nature has always been a reason for #enthusiasm, #inspiration, and #trust in the future. Watching nature languish in your youth is tough; in fact, all this weakens the foundations of a #vision for the #future.

#Churches are Empty and even Closed

The #pandemic has manifested a dark and hidden “cancer”: the crisis of #religions, especially the #Christian faith. Tens of thousands of believers abandon their churches every year. The pandemic has exacerbated this exodus, being that it has literally closed churches.

And you, young people, how can you dream and hope if you are not in a situation where you are able to share your dreams and visions with your #community?

The #Community

You guys like to be together, as part of a community, right? Being part of a group allows you to share #affection, #love, #respect, #ideas, and #perspectives. Being part of a group allows you to feel like you are part of something, that you can communicate. Being in a community allows you to feel accepted, valued, and loved.

The #Solution

Dear youth, you are the key to coming out of this #darkness, this material, emotional, and spiritual night! Do not stop! Never stop dreaming, never stop loving, never stop connecting and meeting (even virtually), and never stop sharing your dreams and your precious ideas. Use every means possible and available to you (social networks, internet, etc.) to put into motion everything that you believe in, dream of, and hope for. #Love, #hope, and be excited, despite everything!

#Imagination is #reality, #love is reality, #hope and #trust are reality!

Your #dreams and #visions of today will become tomorrow’s reality – if you press on! Do not surrender but rather #persevere and #pray.

The future is yours and it begins today!

Dear #youth, let your #enthusiasm explode and engulf the world! #Dream, #hope, and declare – and soon, it will all become a reality…but only if you persevere.

We are waiting for you, we are following you, we need you. Together, we can do it!

Photo 1. Coolpicture/Shutterstock, Photo 2. Photogestoeber/Shutterstock, Photo 3. DeymosHR/Shutterstock