Nepal needs your prayer!

Nepal needs your prayer!

Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. April 25, 2014. Nearly 1,000 are known to have died in a powerful earthquake in Nepal, with many more feared trapped under rubble, officials say.


Bern, Switzerland [CD EUDNews]. April 25, 2014.

Nearly 1,000 are known to have died in a powerful earthquake in Nepal, with many more feared trapped under rubble, officials say.

The 7.8 magnitude quake struck an area between the capital, Kathmandu, and the city of Pokhara.

Tremors were felt across the region, with further loss of life in India, Bangladesh, Tibet and on Mount Everest.

The government has declared a state of emergency in the affected areas.

"People are scared of after shake and advised to sleep outside tonight. It's bit cold today. We need your big prayer for those who lost their loved one and those who are scared and sleep outside today. We need your big prayer tonight," so ADRA Nepal.

"Again, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-European Region mourns the victims of this terrible tragedy," so the EUD Public Relations Department. "We are watching with a heavy heart these events. We are living in a scenario of natural disasters all over the earth. Let us give our immediate and heartfelt support to all humanitarian initiatives in Nepal!"

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