Nepal: Donate now

Nepal: Donate now

Bern, Switzerland [ADRA Int., CD EUDNews]. April 27, 2015. It's the worst earthquake in 80 years to hit Nepal. Thousands have died and tens of thousands need assistance.

ADRA Int., CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [ADRA Int., CD EUDNews]. April 27, 2015.

It's the worst earthquake in 80 years to hit Nepal. Thousands have died and tens of thousands need assistance. In response, ADRA has launched an urgent appeal to help those most in need.

Please share this with your friends so together we can help the people of Nepal get back on their feet:

A 7.9 magnitude earthquake has devastated much of Nepal, leaving thousands dead, injured, and missing.

Search and rescue teams have yet to reach remote regions and with strong aftershocks still shaking the country, more destruction is likely.

The need in Nepal is strong and very urgent:

- The death toll is close to 4000 and rising quickly.

- 10 were killed in an avalanche on Mt. Everest, while other avalanches have been reported as well.

- Close to 5000 are reported injured with hospitals across the country struggling to keep up with the need.

- 80% of homes close to the epicenter, outside of Kathmandu, have been damaged or destroyed.

- Thousands are sleeping outside in freezing temperatures either because their homes have been destroyed or they fear falling debris from ongoing aftershocks.

- The force of the earthquake was felt in surrounding countries and claimed victims in India, Bangladesh, and the Chinese region of Tibet.

ADRA’s disaster response has begun with our Emergency Response Team in Nepal mobilizing for initial assessments.

To donate, click here.