Italy: The Adventist Church fighting against Usury

Italy: The Adventist Church fighting against Usury

Bern, Switzerland [Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews]. April 21, 2015. The first public performance of "Niente per niente - stories from indebtedness to usury" will debut at 9 p.m. on April 27 in the Meeting Hall ‘Sala Umberto’ in Rome. The play is spons

Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [Notizie Avventiste, CD EUDNews]. April 21, 2015.

The first public performance of "Niente per niente - stories from indebtedness to usury" will debut at 9 p.m. on April 27 in the Meeting Hall ‘Sala Umberto’ in Rome. The play is sponsored by the Adventum Foundation (Fondazione Adventum) and the Outpatient anti-usury clinic, covering a hot topic that is becoming increasingly deceptive and pervasive.

It targets mainly young audiences, those in society who must understand the extent and gravity of being in debt, which can throw individuals and families into the abyss of usury. The stories are taken from real-life situations that inspire and lead to better awareness and management of money.

The project is funded with “8 / 1,000 church tax” - through the Seventh-day Adventist Church - and is divided into two parts. The first performance on April 27, is intended for national and local administrators, politicians, judiciary, business representatives, groups and trade unions, the media and journalists.

The second is for high school students and will take place in school auditoriums and theaters.

The project starts here in our capital city, Rome. It includes ten shows in schools and colleges, and will extend to other cities and schools throughout the country. "Niente per niente" is a play by Francesco Randazzo, directed by Giusi Cataldo and assistance director, Giovanni Carta. The cast includes Giusi Cataldo, Alessio Di Clemente, Francesco Meoni and Rossana Veracierta. The Foundation ‘Adventum Onlus’ was founded by the Italian Union of the Seventh-day Adventist Churches with funds of the “8 X 1000 church tax”, addressing the needs and risks of economic hardship and usury. Operating since February 1995, it facilitates bank loans to individuals and families in need. It is a non-profit organization and operates with funds from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In its 20 years, the Foundation has helped more than 2,000 families in difficulty caused by indebtedness and guaranteeing loans for more than 17 million euros. The Foundation works closely with the Anti-usury Clinic of Rome and offers help in banking, taxes, money matters, legalities, and moral support ( The Anti-usury Clinic Onlus is well known since 1996, providing legal advice, psychological and financial assistance to victims of usury and those in over-indebtedness offering legal guidance and instruction on responsible handling of money. The Anti-usury Clinic helps victims of usury and extortion from the start, assisting them in the difficult process of reintegration into the legal system, which involves not only the trial, but also, if necessary, the request for Solidarity Funds and investment disbursements obtained (