Home office for Inter-European Region employees

The EUD employees are invited to work remotely as a response to COVID-19 pandemic.



Bern, Switzerland. [CD-EUDNews, C.Cozzi]. “All of us have followed the fast evolution of the Covid-19 situation in Europe. Yesterday, the Swiss government held a press conference in which once more they urged the population to take the situation seriously and to follow their additional instructions.” This has been the introduction of the internal communiqué of the Inter-European Region (EUD) of the Seventh-day Adventists headquarters addressed to their employees.

In Switzerland, as in other countries of EUD territory, schools are closed, new border rules are in place, and a number of shops closed.

One of the recommendations given by the Government in its press conference on Monday evening was specific to businesses: implement work from home, wherever possible. And many Swiss companies have already applied this measure.

In following these recommendations and in a desire to contribute to the containment of the spread of the Corona virus, on Tuesday, 17 March, the administration of EUD Headquarters in Bern, Switzerland, has decided to close their office and to move the regular office work to home.

The implementation of this measure is immediate, expecting that every employee will work from home the latest from Thursday morning, March 19.

“On Friday, March 27, we will make a new evaluation of the situation and inform about the measures to be taken for the following week(s)” affirms the announcement of the Administration.

Prior to that, on Thursday, March 12, the EUD leaders decided a ban for all business travels and encouraged to reduce private travelling as well, in the effort to further protect employees and the surrounding community, effective until the end of April. (See article on cancelled events in EUD territory).

Today, EUD employees are in a new work situation. For this reason, instructions have been given to help facilitate the transition and to uphold continuity of the EUD activities as possible, while access to the building is not granted anymore.

Efforts are made to maintain the regular office rhythm, and as one example the daily morning devotional will be maintained and held by videoconference.

Considering that this extraordinary working arrangement in the current general situation unavoidably generates stress, a small team has been put into place who will help to keep the bonds as a team and to alleviate the effects of isolation. This group seeks to offer to their colleagues moral support, a laugh, or simply a moment to talk, or to pray together.

“As we enter into a new phase of our working experience” closes EUD Administration in its internal communiqué, “we will get used to it and overcome initial challenges as best as possible”.

“We trust and pray that God will give us the necessary strength and joy to continue in His service. We claim the promise of Jesus: I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” (CEV Matthew 28:20)

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