First post-pandemic Spiritual Assembly for the France South Federation

First post-pandemic Spiritual Assembly for the France South Federation

The theme was “Strong Families, Strong Church!”


On Sabbath, April 13, 2024, the Palais des Congrès, in Arles, vibrated with excitement, marking the first Spiritual Assembly of the France South Federation since the pandemic. More than a thousand members gathered under the theme “Strong Families, Strong Church!”, some having traveled up to eight hours by road to attend this milestone event.

Willie Oliver, director of Family Ministries at the General Conference, graced the assembly with his warm presence. His inspirational speeches were beautifully shared, emphasizing the importance of family worship in building strong community.

The afternoon was rich in emotions, notably with the consecration, to the pastoral ministry, of Gaël Cosendai, Fabien Dusart, and Frédéric Rahiman. Despite interruptions due to power cuts caused by EDF tests, the assembly was able to show solidarity by spontaneously singing “Fear nothing…”, uniting their voices in an unforgettable moment of communion.

Special recognition was given to the pastoral ministry of Elise Lazarus, whose poignant testimony reminded us that nothing can hinder the divine call. The assemblies are also an opportunity to thank lay employees and retiring pastors. This year, Sylvie Berriat, executive assistant for 42 years, was particularly honored by Daniel Monachini, president of the Federation. With humor and emotion, Sylvie shared her journey, evoking the many colleagues and presidents she worked with, leaving an indelible mark.

Pastors Emanuel Lopes, Claude Pellicer, Georges Salvador, and Joël Tintier were also recognized for their decades of service, having touched many communities. Their dedication was celebrated with deep gratitude.

The day ended in style with a concert by Gaël Cosendai and his group, an end all the more significant as Gaël's songs had been a source of inspiration for the pastors testifying earlier.

On Sunday morning, the federal team, employees, pastors, and their families shared a final moment of meditation guided by Willie Oliver, followed by a tour of Arles and a convivial meal. This moment of relaxation and sharing was appreciated by everyone, young and old, before heading back to their respective communities.

To watch the video of the event: