Federation of protestant women in Italy selects Adventist President

Federation of protestant women in Italy selects Adventist President

Bern, Switzerland [Notizie Avventiste, APD, CD EUDNews]. April 30, 2015. The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) meet once every four years. the latest one being April 19 in which they selected an Adventist, Dora Bognandi, as the new Preside

Notizie Avventiste, APD, CD EUDNews.

Bern, Switzerland [Notizie Avventiste, APD, CD EUDNews]. April 30, 2015.

The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy (FDEI) meet once every four years, the latest one being April 19 in which they selected an Adventist, Dora Bognandi, as the new President.

Dora Bognandi is associate director of the department for Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Italy. "It is a great honour to have been given this assignment, but it is also a great responsibility," said Dora Bognandi after the election. "My desire is to continue serving women and the community in the best way possible, and also to bring a Protestant perspective to our society."

At the 11th Congress of the FDEI, more than 70 women from different Protestant churches met from April 17-19 at the "Ecumenical" Centre, in Velletri, 30 kilometers southeast of Rome.

“The topic of the Congress was the role of Protestant women in a changing society”, reported the 'Notizie Avventiste', Communications Department of the Adventist Church in Italy. There are always three concepts to be considered: justice, solidarity and strength for the existing relations between the churches and also welcome new congregations bringing them together with government institutions and organizations. In addition, the guidelines for the Federation have been established for the next four years.

The Federation of Protestant Women in Italy works with the following churches: Adventist, Baptist, Salvation Army, Swiss-Italian Protestant Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist and Waldensian.

To learn more about the Federation, please visit the following web page: http://www.fedevangelica.it/old/fcei/fdei.php