Seventh-day Adventists firmly believe in Biblical creation, but are not always well equipped to give reason for their belief, especially when the conversation turns scientific in tone. To help all those who would like to have a deeper understanding of how faith in Biblical creation and modern scientific knowledge fit together, the European Branch Office of the Geoscience Research Institute will offer a series of free weekly webinars from January to April 2021.
This series, called Faith & Science Fundamentals, will cover topics on (1) Science, (2) Models of Origins, (3) Biology and Design, and (4) Flood Geology and Paleontology. The webinars will be available through Zoom Webinar in English, Spanish, and other European languages depending on demand. Registration information, dates, times, and webinar titles will be soon posted at the GRI-Live Creation social media platforms.
For more information, please go here.