The aid organisation ADRA Germany has so far received over 1,600 donations for the victims of the flood disaster in mid-July, in several German states. The total amount of donations is over half a million Euros.
So far, 22 social institutions (kindergartens, homes for the elderly, and nursing homes as well as sports facilities and animal shelters) and three local aid groups have been supported with 365,300 euros. This amount increases by several thousand euros every day, as more applications are submitted and signed, according to ADRA Germany’s announcement.
ADRA project officers ensure that those in need receive the funds, and ADRA project supervisors meet regularly with representatives of local aid groups and social institutions to ensure that the donations reach where they are most urgently needed.
Clarifications are also made with mayors and local chiefs on how to provide clean and equitable financial support to affected households, ADRA Germany shared in a circular email.
Donations from Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) would also support the work of ADRA Germany. ADRA Germany is a founding member of ADH.
More about ADRA Germany
ADRA Germany is a globally active aid organisation that carries out projects in development cooperation and humanitarian aid. The independent non-governmental organisation was founded in 1987 and is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. ADRA is a member of the alliance "Aktion Deutschland Hilft". The alliance joins forces in the event of disasters, and coordinates and pools existing forces in order to be able to provide fast and effective aid.