ADRA France: Restoring human dignity

ADRA France: Restoring human dignity


The ADRA France general assembly was held from May 17 to 20, 2024, bringing together volunteers from across the country around the theme “Restoring human dignity”.

ADRA France’s commitment to human dignity

Faithful to its values, ADRA France has placed its 2024 general assembly under the theme of “restoration of human dignity”. This major event brought together volunteers from the four corners of France to represent the dynamism of local branches.

A program rich in exchanges and perspectives

Over four days, participants shared their experiences, inspired each other and strengthened their common commitment to ADRA’s mission: supporting the most vulnerable. Thematic workshops, inspiring conferences and friendly moments punctuated the event.

Workshops at the heart of field issues

The workshops covered crucial topics such as: spirituality in social action; effective communication; the helping relationship; managing emergency situations; long-term help; and the impact of the Republican Commitment Contract.

A new Board of Directors for ADRA France

A heartfelt “thank you” was addressed to the members of the outgoing Board, several of whom had been involved in the association for several decades. On May 20, a new Board of Directors was elected, headed by David Milard as president. The management team is made up of: President: David Milard; Vice-president: Michael Païta; Secretary: Vaihirau Costes-Ori; Treasurer: Pablo Papegay; Members: Marie-Laure Alexer, Jonathan Estimable, Magali Filoni, Jean-Marie Halm, Catherine Licius, Daniel Monachini, Evelyne Nielsen, and Luminita Petcut.

ADRA: More than 70 years serving the most vulnerable

For more than 70 years, ADRA has worked internationally to help vulnerable populations. In France, ADRA has been working for 40 years in the fields of development and emergency, relying on a solid network of volunteers and professionals.

ADRA France’s three areas of intervention

ADRA France engages in three areas of intervention: 1. The fight against poverty and social exclusion: access to food, drinking water, education, health, and housing; 2. Emergency aid in the event of a disaster: immediate assistance to affected populations during natural or humanitarian disasters; 3. Sustainable and community development: empowerment of local communities through tools and skills to sustainably improve their living conditions.

ADRA France: A key player in international solidarity

Thanks to its committed network, ADRA France contributes to building a more just and united world where human dignity is at the heart of every action.

To find out more about ADRA France and support its actions, please go here.

To read the original article, please go here.